Bluegrass Chapter of ENA

Government Affairs Update

Posted almost 9 years ago by Julie Derringer

SInce Allie and Kristin are both enjoying sun and sand on the isle of  Montserrat, I thought I would step in and give a brief GA update:

  1. Airplane Kids in Transit Safety Act passed in Senate (updating medical emergency kits to contain peds specific gear)
  2. Utah Governor signed a law making assault against healthcare workers a FELONY! (33rd state to pass a similar law)
  3. Kathleen Carlson, ENA President, supports the use of standing orders for EMS providers use of standing order sets (Imagine a buggy having to call to use Narcan!!)
  4. A recent NSC survey found 23% of American doctors are still prescribing long narcotics scripts for pain relief, despite a ton of evidence recommending overuse of opiates. 
  5. The President and Congress have rebudgeted $500mil + of unused Ebola money to fight the spread of the Zika virus.
  6. Psychiatric Bed Shortage Possible Solution: California is considering an online bed availability database to encompass any CA psych bed opening or pending opening (NOT A BAD IDEA).

Thank you for all you do! Hope to see you in Lex for the May BG meeting (at Tony's) or in June in Morehead! We hope our colleagues from Maysville, Morehead & Mt. Sterling will join us at a meeting CLOSER TO THEIR BLUEGRASS HOME!